Saturday, June 4, 2011

Get Thee Behind Me Dennys

On account of the Memorial Day holiday, like so many others I didn't start my work week until Tuesday. So to avoid two cross country flights and 24 hour turnaround at the house, I decided to stay on the west coast this weekend. Thought I would get my Saturday off to a good start so I headed down to Dennys for a hot meal and to catch up on the local news. It's only two blocks from my pad and a stone’s throw from the UCLA campus.

Glancing through an otherwise very familiar menu, I was blind-sided by the very last page and especially the timing of the matter. It read "For our Guests 55 plus" and listed a dozen or so heart healthy meals at discounted prices. Guests 55 plus? I think that's just code word for Senior Citizens, which is just the politically correct word for Old People.

"Hey wait a second" I gulped rhetorically. I'm hitting the double nickel this week, tomorrow in fact. What a slap-in-the-face wakeup call this was. I felt like I had been drenched in a tub of chilled margarita mix.

I know ole Dennys probably means well, but I don't think I'm quite ready to throw in the towel and lump myself into that geriatric wading pool demographic. Not yet anyway. Just because I've got grand-daughters and get up three times at night to pee, I'm no senior citizen, at least in my mind.

The truth is, except for getting my driver’s license; I can't remember another point in my life where my specific age had anything to do with anything. And I've driven 18 wheelers, spent two days cooking Turducken, and almost went out with Sela Ward, all sorts of things; and not one thing had to do with my age. Well maybe except when I turned fifty and went to Key West with my wife Tina and her two hot sisters. That was a hoot and an ego trip to boot. Total strangers would come up and tell me what a lucky man I was. And I was, but that's another story for another time.

Nope, looking back at it, I seem to remember or classify my life not so much by my age but rather by what I was doing, or who I was with, or where I was living. I never really did pay a lot of attention to my age. Course when you never act your age you don't have to!

Nope Mr Denny. I am going to eat my three eggs over easy and pay full price for now thank you very much. And I'm not going to start living like I'm dying either. I spend way too much time in hospitals and can say first hand that's no way to go. No I'm going to keep on keeping on like I've done for, well for 55 years. Heck fire, I'm still married to the sexiest woman in Southwest Virginia, just about to get the pool room finished, and even started taking electric guitar lessons. So I'm not backing off my throttle in the least. I don't care how much money I can save on pancakes.

I appreciate the reminder Dennys, but I've got miles to go before I sleep, if you catch my drift. But if I ever want some good chipped beef on toast for sixty cents on the dollar, I know where I'm headed.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday the 13th- A Very Lucky Day

I work in Los Angeles, 6500 Wilshire Blvd. It's a busy place, part of the Miracle Mile. Among the cars, the cabs, the professionals, the buzz are the less fortunate. People who live on the street, pushing their grocery carts full of plastic bags, newspaper, and a whole assortment of free commodities. Similarly are the panhandlers. Unlike the street people though, the panhandlers will nag you constantly for a dime, spare change, whatever - anything but a job or a professional opinion. I made a conscientious decision the first week out here that I would not buy into their collective guilt trip. In fact, I even came up with a snappy retort "I gave at the last intersection..."So assisting total strangers, that was not part of my M.O., nope not in this city; until last Friday. Something happened that I think I'll never forget.

I was returning from lunch to my office in the 23 story golden glass building. An elderly gentleman, small frame and wearing a plaid coat, carrying a satchel motioned with an arthritic hand and got my attention. I obliged to stop and listen. In broken English and an accent that I would later learn to be Greek, he caught his breath and tried hard in a soft voice to tell me where he was parked. "I was at doctor and parked" he muttered over and over. "I was at doctor and parked".

"Hmm. You were at doctor and parked. Is the doctor here in this building?" I asked.

"No" he responded.

"Are you in the parking lot next door" I pointed guessing maybe he couldn't see the lot.

"No" he said scratching his head.

"Would you like to use my phone" I asked. "Is there anybody you can call?"

"Yes. My wife. " He called out the number. I dialed it. Soon he was speaking to his wife. "I was at doctor and parked....I was at doctor and parked"

He hung up, with no plan or decision that I could detemine from his wife. We didn't seem to be getting anywhere with this.

I escorted him into the lobby, away from the noise of the six lane boulevard. "Do you need help" I asked. "Do you need help finding your car?"

"What kind of car do you drive" I asked taking a look at the vehicles parked on meters just outside.

With a deep sigh, he started rubbing his forehead, and tried to speak, tried to remember.

"It's a B..., ugh a B...." he blurted with frustration.

"A BMW" I guessed trying to help him finish his thought.

With another deep breath and a swell of relief as if a confession, he replied "No. I have to tell you someting. I have Alzheimer’s."

"Oh no." My mind changed gear immediately. Helping this man solve his problem might take a little more than I first thought.

"I had the papers in here" he said opening up his briefcase to show me something that might be of benefit. The satchel was empty.

I called back the same number I had just dialed and introduced myself to his wife. "I think your husband is lost, but I will help him. We are going to try to find his doctor's office. Do you know where his doctor is located" I inquired. "No" she said. "I will have to go see if I can find that on his desk. I will have to call you back."

"So you were at your doctor's office? Did you make it to your doctor's appointment?"

"Yes" "It was doctor, uh, doctor ..........." then realizing he had something of significance in his pants pocket, he reached and pulled out a well folded piece of paper. It was a prescription.

Glancing it over I saw the man's name Bret, Aristed, his birthdate-11/1925. And the name of the Doctor Jamie Mariguchi. No address was listed. I called information.

"Dr Mariguchi's office, may I help you?"

"Yes, did you see a Mr Bret this morning?"

"Yes we did."

"Well I have him with me, but he is lost. Where are you located?"

"Oh my" said the receptionist in a Mexican accent. "We are at 8562 Wilshire. At Wilshire and Ledoux. Thank you very much helping him."

"We will be up there shortly" I told her.

That's four city blocks, and two really big intersections. My new found friend was quite a ways off track. At 86 years old, a walk back might be too much for him. I was surprised he had made it this far without getting hurt. So I called a cab.

Entering the lobby of the clinic Mr Bret immediately had his bearings. As I escorted the old man into the doctor's office, six people working behind the glass all glanced up with expressions of real gratitude and smiles on their face.

"We will call his wife. Thank you so much for helping him. We will take it from here. You are a Good Samaritan" the receptionist stated. "A Good Samaritan."

"You are going to be alright" I told him shaking his hand and headed back down the elevator.

I trembled a bit and almost came to tears walking back to the office, thinking about my mom and dad, and my own pending old age, if this disease should ever strike. Would someone be there if we lost our way?

Alzheimer’s is a frightening condition. But it was an honor helping that man out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Personal Beliefs

I've never heard angels sing, but I did hear the Everly Brothers one night in Sevierville. The harmony was beautiful.

I don't for sure know if God is protecting us, but my youngest son Luke served a tour in Iraq.

I don't know who all will be there to greet me when I'm gone, but I do know how much I love seeing my aunts and uncles at the Family reunion.

I don't think the Ten Commandments are as useful as being honest and keeping your word.

I don't know what kind of table has been prepared for me, but I know my mom sure sets out a beautiful spread at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I do think on Love, but I think another great gift is Awareness.

I can't say for sure that God looks out for me, but my dad did a wonderful job keeping me in line, a good roof over our heads, and food in the fridge when I was growing up.

I don't know what the love of Jesus feels like, but I do know the undying love of a wonderful mother.

I never felt the eternal joy of a personal relationship with Christ, but I do feel daily the tremendous happiness and love from my beautiful wife Tina.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Number One

It's common practice in the sports world to nominate the best of the best. And why not. There's nothing like a trophy and a little recognition that can bring out the best in a whole pack of folks. College football has its Heisman Trophy winner; pro baseball the Cy Young.

I don't know if the world of religion does this, especially Christianity; but if it does I want to nominate as the Best All Around Christian the guy from Korea who had himself crucified recently. At least I'm hoping it was some sort of an assisted suicide and not a homocide. It's mighty hard to hammer an iron spike into your free hand without a little bit of help.

Did you read about this one? Some fellow in South Korea, his neighbors claim he was very religious. Anyway he had himself crucified, between two other crosses and with a crown of thorns to boot. To top it off, he had a mirror placed el frente just so he could watch himself struggle.

My first reaction- now here's a dude that taking his Sunday go to meeting Bible study way too literal. But maybe, just maybe, I'm the one missing the whole darn boat. That's quite possible.

From what I've read, Jesus didn't take kindly to people who sat on the fence. He wanted real spiritual warriors on his team according to the King James version. You know, people who would give up family, jobs, and eating meat just to follow Him. Our friend from Korea, well he sounds like just the type to jump headfirst in a notion like this. My guess, and I'm just guessing;I'll bet this fellow was sort of a loner type, probably had a hard time keeping a steady job. Again, I don't know any more detail, but I'll even bet he didn't have a girlfriend and probably was a renter. Landed gentry don't go off the handle and crucify themselves that often from what I've read.

But back to our story. This is a pitiful conclusion I don't care how you frame it. Whatever this pour soul's intentions, the ending and the facts don't play out too well. There's nothing about it that sounds sacred or sactimonious or whatever positive religious spin you can put on it. This is a gruesome act from a sick person.

Life is a tough road to hoe. And as much as people want to believe in something, the very least and the very best you can do for ole number one it seems is believe in yourself. You've got to believe in yourself.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Dear Jesus Christ,

Why did you kill so many nice people in Alabama today. In case you haven't been around in a while, there is not a state in the Union that loves you more than the good people of Alabama. What- were the Japanese getting on your nerves? You only wiped out 10,000 of them last month with your tsunami. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather turn control of the universe back over to mother nature. At least she doesn't pretend to love us all.


Kirk in California
