Friday, May 6, 2011

Number One

It's common practice in the sports world to nominate the best of the best. And why not. There's nothing like a trophy and a little recognition that can bring out the best in a whole pack of folks. College football has its Heisman Trophy winner; pro baseball the Cy Young.

I don't know if the world of religion does this, especially Christianity; but if it does I want to nominate as the Best All Around Christian the guy from Korea who had himself crucified recently. At least I'm hoping it was some sort of an assisted suicide and not a homocide. It's mighty hard to hammer an iron spike into your free hand without a little bit of help.

Did you read about this one? Some fellow in South Korea, his neighbors claim he was very religious. Anyway he had himself crucified, between two other crosses and with a crown of thorns to boot. To top it off, he had a mirror placed el frente just so he could watch himself struggle.

My first reaction- now here's a dude that taking his Sunday go to meeting Bible study way too literal. But maybe, just maybe, I'm the one missing the whole darn boat. That's quite possible.

From what I've read, Jesus didn't take kindly to people who sat on the fence. He wanted real spiritual warriors on his team according to the King James version. You know, people who would give up family, jobs, and eating meat just to follow Him. Our friend from Korea, well he sounds like just the type to jump headfirst in a notion like this. My guess, and I'm just guessing;I'll bet this fellow was sort of a loner type, probably had a hard time keeping a steady job. Again, I don't know any more detail, but I'll even bet he didn't have a girlfriend and probably was a renter. Landed gentry don't go off the handle and crucify themselves that often from what I've read.

But back to our story. This is a pitiful conclusion I don't care how you frame it. Whatever this pour soul's intentions, the ending and the facts don't play out too well. There's nothing about it that sounds sacred or sactimonious or whatever positive religious spin you can put on it. This is a gruesome act from a sick person.

Life is a tough road to hoe. And as much as people want to believe in something, the very least and the very best you can do for ole number one it seems is believe in yourself. You've got to believe in yourself.

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